Client News
Bay County Press: Letter to the Editor Ref- Rep. Jimmy Patronis
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
By Brewster Bevis
For many Florida businesses – especially small businesses – navigating the web of local and state regulations that govern their operations can be more than a bureaucratic headache. It can literally grind business to a halt.
Over the past three years, Rep. Jimmy Patronis has fought to streamline the layers of regulations business owners must wade through and eliminate costly, duplicative processes. As a small business owner himself, Rep. Patronis is all too familiar with the hoops business owners have to jump through at the city, county and state levels. Thanks to his tireless efforts and continued commitment, Florida businesses will now face a few less hoops.
Legislation sponsored by Rep. Patronis and passed by the Florida Legislature will increase the efficiency of a variety of permitting processes, including those for development applications, marinas, boat yards, special events and wells. With greater consistency and cost predictability, businesses can get down to the business of creating jobs and economic activity. Without the maze of multiple permitting processes and different regulations from one government entity to another, more businesses are likely to relocate to Florida.
Associated Industries of Florida and its members thank Rep. Patronis for his leadership on this issue, and the thoughtful consideration he gave to the development of the bill language. By bringing all the stakeholders together, we have arrived at a piece of legislation that is good for Florida business while maintaining all the important environmental protections that help make our state a great place to live, work and play.