Client News
Campaign to be Launched Supporting Solar Constitutional Amendment
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
April 5, 2016
CONTACT: Carrie Patrick
Office: (850) 222-3767
Cell: (850) 570-5354
Senator Brandes, Representatives Rodrigues and Berman announce plans for statewide initiative
St. Petersburg, FL.- Today Senator Jeff Brandes (R-St. Petersburg), Representative Ray Rodrigues (R-Fort Myers), and Representative Lori Berman (D-Boynton Beach) announced that they are planning to form a statewide initiative to support the passage of a solar constitutional amendment appearing on the August 30th primary ballot. This announcement follows the unanimous passage by the legislature of the proposed solar constitutional amendment sponsored by Senator Brandes, Representative Rodrigues, and Representative Berman.
“The voters have an opportunity to approve an energy policy shift which would be the most significant step towards solar and renewable energy this state has seen in decades,” stated Senator Brandes. “The approval of this amendment would open the door to significant expansion of solar energy production in our state by slashing taxes on clean energy. This tax cut will create thousands of jobs and provide energy savings to businesses and homeowners alike.”
“This August, voters will have an opportunity during the primary to vote for a constitutional amendment that will remove tax barriers for solar and renewable energy,” stated Representative Rodrigues. “This amendment unleashes the potential of the Sunshine State to be a national leader in the use of solar energy. It is very important that all voters are educated about their opportunity to cut taxes and increase solar with their vote.”
“This constitutional amendment represents bipartisan support from the legislature for a radical shift in the way we prioritize clean, renewable energy in Florida,” stated Representative Berman. “Cutting taxes to promote the expansion of solar and renewable energy production is the right policy for our future, and this amendment will provide high paying jobs for our of hardworking families.”
The proposed tax fairness amendment to the state constitution will appear on the August 30th statewide primary ballot available to all voters regardless of party affiliation. If approved by the voters, the legislature is authorized to abate from ad valorem tax and exempt from tangible personal property tax the value of solar or renewable energy devices installed on commercial and industrial property. An existing ad valorem abatement for solar and renewable energy devices on residential property currently exists in the state constitution. The proposal opens the door for significant expansion of solar and renewable energy production on a larger scale in Florida. Once implemented by the legislature following approval in August by the voters, the ad valorem tax incentives of the amendment will begin in year 2018 and continue for 20 years.