Client News
Miami Herald: Clean Power Plan is riddled with problems
Monday, October 06, 2014
The Environmental Protection Agency has been out of control for years and shows no sign of slowing down. Its new greenhouse gas regulations will impose massive costs on the private sector.
Our economy is slowly recovering from the recession of the last decade, and the last thing it needs a new cumbersome, federal mandate that will remove billions of dollars in investments from entire sectors of the economy. Energy has been a favorite target of the president, administration, EPA and their allies for years, and these newest regulations are the latest salvo against the most productive industries in America. But their impact would be felt far beyond the sector itself.
These regulations would push energy costs — for both businesses and households — through the roof. And in doing so, they’d make it much more difficult for our economy to remain competitive and to continue to grow. They hurt small businesses with thin profit margins, those with low and fixed incomes and many middle-class families, by making their energy costs and electric bills higher than they need to be. These costs take resources away from hiring new workers as well.
During this election cycle Floridians need to call on political candidates to speak about this issue. We challenge Rep. Joe Garcia and opponent Carlos Curbelo to discuss this topic in one of their upcoming debates. This important topic needs to move to the forefront.
Additionally, we hope experts who attended the 6th Annual Southeast Climate Leadership Summit are able to push this issue to the forefront and make the EPA aware of the many problems riddled throughout this plan. The public deserves to know what will result from the Clean Power Plan and how it will affect their lives and the lives of their families.
Julio Fuentes, president, Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Lake Worth