Client News
Sun-Sentinel: A few personnel items from the state capital city
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
TALLAHASSEE– As lawmakers start gearing up for the January start of the 2012 legislative session, the capital city’s top lobbying and public relations operations are doing the same.
With that in mind, a few personnel changes to report:
* Carrie Thompson has joined public relations firm CoreMessage as an account executive. Thompson previously served as the director of legislative affairs for the Loterry and worked in both the Gov. Jeb Bush and Gov. Charlie Crist administrations.
* Scott Dudley is the new legislative affairs director for the Florida League of Cities. Dudley replaces Rebecca O’Hara, who left to work for the Florida Medical Association. Dudley has worked for the League since October 2002 and previously served as senior legislative advocate and associate director of legislative affairs
* Sarrah Carroll is leaving her job as a lobbyist for the Florida Association of Counties for a position at the Florida Sheriff’s Association. Carroll has worked for FAC for three years as the public safety lobbyist. Previously, she was the spokeswoman for the Department of Children and Families.