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WCTV: Florida Tuition Is Low, But Costs Are Climbing

Friday, October 25, 2013

A new report shows Florida has some of the most affordable higher education in America.

Across Florida students working on a bachelor’s degree are paying nearly a third of what their peers are paying in other parts of the country.

“It’s really nice actually because you always hear things about people who have high student loans,” said Brianna Griffin, Florida State University Freshman.

A new report from the College Board ranks Florida 7th cheapest for an in-state four year degree. Those degrees now cost just over 6,000 a year.

“Public school tuition in Florida is a real bargain,” said Ed Moore, Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida President.

But, at the same time, Florida’s percentage increase over the last five years ranks in the top five nationwide. Governor Rick Scott has made it his mission to keep education costs low.

“Tuition has gone up significantly in the last five years. We’ve got to stop this,” said Governor Rick Scott in an interview earlier this year.

“People who are out there paying the tuition need to look at what their real dollar casts are. Opposed to ‘oh my,’ my tuition has gone up 15 percent over the last couple of years,” said Moore.

FSU President Eric Barrow says the university strives to provide quality education for students.

“We’re taking every dollar and making sure our students are successful,” he said.

Bachelor students say the low prices will help them pay off debt.

“I think we’re lucky that we do get to go to such a great school and still not have to pay the same amount,” said Celerina Dreher, FSU Senior.

The number of students seeking either a 2-year or 4-year degree is up by almost half in the last decade.

The state with the highest average cost per year for a 4-year degree was New Hampshire a little more than 14000 dollars.

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