Client News
WTSP: New state-wide screening program for babies
Thursday, May 10, 2012
TAMPA, Fla. — Parents and doctors from All Children’s Hospital and USF immunology applaud a new, state-wide screening program for babies.
They say it will not only save lives, it will also save taxpayer money.
10 News’ own Heather Van Nest and Jim Van Fleet attended an event at the Glazer Children’s Museum tonight, which spread awareness of babies diagnosed with Severe Combined Immundeficiency (SCID).
Babies like Kye Johnson have been diagnosed with SCID, also known as bubble boy disease, but delayed diagnoses have resulted in extended hospitalization.
Kye has been in the hospital for almost a year, totaling a tab of almost $3 million Medicaid tax dollars.
Dr. John Sleasman says the newborn screening program will catch SCID much earlier.