Client News
Orlando Sentinel: Floridians should beware of federal reinsurance-tax scheme
It’s been nine years since Florida was struck by a serious hurricane. Since then, the state has enacted some smart policies that give homeowners and businesses more competitive choices when it comes to insurance; meanwhile, costly potential liabilities have gradually been shifting away from a state-backed insurer and toward a wider, deeper pool of private […]
SaintPetersBlog: Fee caps, doctors and lawyers: Board of Medicine continues to examine medical record rule
By Christine Jordan Sexton For more than a year, a proposed rule that would lift the cap on what doctors could charge patients and their attorneys for copying medical records has been lingering before the Florida Board of Medicine. The proposed rule — 64B8-10.003 – will be discussed at least three more times before the […]
Miami Herald: Group calls for overhaul of Florida prisons
Disturbed by stories of suspicious inmate deaths and systemic abuse by guards, a a Florida State University think-tank called Thursday for an overhaul of the state prison system to stem the tide of corruption, mismanagement and maltreatment. Florida’s inability and unwillingness to address the system’s widespread failings is dangerous to the public, costly to taxpayers […]
Sunshine State News: Julio Fuentes, EPA Overreach
The problems that will affect Florida’s citizens and small businesses have taken a back seat to mudslinging in the gubernatorial race, and important issues, such as greenhouse gas emission regulations, are falling through the cracks. In the last several years, Florida’s families and small businesses have seen a shift toward more reasonable electricity rates, driven […]
Tallahassee Democrat: Mike Murtha: EPA’s Clean Power Plan would hurt Florida
Florida’s economic recovery made real progress last year, with the construction sector leading the state in job growth. We are on a very successful track, but President Obama’s administration is trying to lay a roadblock directly in front of us. Our political candidates need to help bring this issue to the forefront. The Environmental Protection […]
Miami Herald: Stop EPA’s assault
Posted: 10/19/2014 3:00 PM Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy visited Miami recently to highlight what needs to be done to keep our air and water clean. What she didn’t do was tell her audience the costs of the EPA’s regulations on Florida businesses, workers and families. EPA’s current, pending and proposed rules limit the […]
Context Florida: Samantha Stratton: A smart energy plan is necessary for Florida
One issue bubbling to the surface is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Power Plan. The EPA has extended the deadline to collect additional public comments on the plan to Dec. 1. We support new clean-energy strategies for Florida and the programs that already exist. The U.S. has been working toward affordable and secure clean-energy […]
The Palm Beach Post: Commentary: Florida needs to consider offshore oil exploration
Posted: 12:00 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014 By Tom Garcia Without much fanfare, the United States has now met its own domestic natural gas needs, while also becoming the world’s No. 1 exporter of natural gas. At the same time, Americans still consume far more oil than our currently available domestic resources can supply. The […]